Family Housing Signs Pledge To Support ‘Time To Change Wales’

Family Housing Association Wales (FHA Wales) is pledging to tackle the stigma and discrimination surrounding mental health problems by lending its support to a national campaign to change attitudes in Wales.

FHA Wales, which is headquartered in Swansea, develops and manages social housing across South West Wales with many of its projects offering supported housing to assist vulnerable people live independently. Chief Executive, Karen Dusgate, signed the Time to Change Wales organisational pledge, which is the first national campaign to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems in Wales. The campaign is led by Wales’ three leading mental health charities Gofal, Hafal and Mind Cymru and is funded by Comic Relief and the Welsh Government.

Karen said: “I am incredibly proud to have signed this pledge on behalf of FHA Wales. As an organisation, we are committed to creating strong, vibrant and resilient communities where people can live active and fulfilling; living independently and safely.  We see mental health as an important part of this and we are delighted to pledge to support the important work that Time to Change Wales are working towards.”

Vicky Nicholas, HR and Communications Manager for FHA Wales comments: “As an organisation we are passionate about supporting our workforce.  Reducing the stigma of mental health and helping staff feel they can talk openly about their mental health without discrimination is an ongoing objective and we are delighted to have signed the Time to Change wales pledge to reflect this.”

Other organisations to join the Time to Change Wales cause include Welsh Water, Principality Building Society, Welsh Assembly, Monmouthshire Housing, Rhondda Housing, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg Health Board and the DVLA.

Lowri Wyn Jones, Engagement Manager at Time to Change Wales said, “In signing the Time to Change Wales pledge, FHA Wales have committed to implement meaningful actions and to provide the best possible environment for those suffering mental ill-heath and provide staff with the support to be the best they can possibly be.  This demonstrates their commitment as an employer for their staff, and in playing an important role in helping end the stigma of mental health in Wales.”


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