Our Performance & Regulation

We work with tenants to set new standards, and we monitor our performance so that customers know how we’re doing. Scroll down to read more about how we monitor our performance!

Regulatory Judgements

Regulatory Judgement: October 2023

Assessment: October 2023

  • Governance (including tenant services)Compliant – Green 
  • Financial Viability: Compliant – Green

Planning, Setting Priorities & Self-Evaluation

The Welsh Government requires all Housing Associations to publish their “Self-Evaluation” against a set of delivery outcomes which are laid out in the Regulatory Framework.

In our report we provide an overview of the key areas where we are doing well, the difference we have made, and where we recognise we need to improve.

STAR: Tenants Satisfaction Survey

We ask our tenants how satisfied they are with the homes and services we provide. The survey enables us to measure satisfaction with our services and to benchmark our performance against other housing associations in order to identify service improvements.

We will be working through the latest result with The Hub to see where and how we can improve service.

Value for Money

Our Value for Money (VFM) statement provides an overview of our value for money objectives, how we are doing and our plans for the year ahead. Our plans will change and evolve as we embed value for money throughout the association.

Performance Summary

Our Performance Summary reports on the following categories, tenants, people, homes, finances and services. Our latest report can now be viewed.

Caredig Reviewers

Caredig reviewers carry out independent reviews into our services. We always welcome feedback from our customers - whether that's a compliment, a complaint, or an idea for how we could improve we’d love to hear from you!

If you would like to get involved in shaping and reviewing what we do, get in touch to tell us how you think we're doing!

There are also many other ways you can help to shape our services for the better - click here to find out how you can get involved.