Mental Health and Substance Misuse Services
Caredig has been providing services for people experiencing mental health and/or substance misuse issues since 1989.
We provide a range of bespoke services across Western Bay including:
- Long term supported living
- Short term supported living (up to 24 months)
- Hostel accommodation
- Floating support
- 24/7 support
- A mixture of shared and self-contained housing
Working in a psychologically informed way we support people to be confident, empowered and independent. Our temporary accommodation supports people to develop the skills, confidence and networks to move onto permanent accommodation. Our long-term housing provides a permanent home for people with complex and enduring mental ill health.
All our services are delivered using our bespoke psychological model, you can find out more about our approach here.
Our support services are funded primarily through the Housing Support Grant or through Health Board funding. In our supported housing services, service user are responsible for their accommodation costs and are usually able to claim Housing Benefit towards these.
All of our staff are highly trained and registered with Social Care Wales. We are registered with CIW (Care Inspectorate Wales) to provide domiciliary care which allows us to provide any care services that are needed and this is often around support for managing medication.
You can find out more about our western bay domiciliary care services by looking at our Guide to Services.
Application and Referrals
If you live in Western Bay and believe that you, or somebody you know, would benefit from our services then please get in touch and we can discuss how you can access our services.