Coronavirus Emergency Repairs

Emergency repairs only due to the Coronavirus pandemic

From Monday 23rd March, in line with government advicewe will be prioritising emergency repairs to minimise contact and keep our tenants, staff and contractors safe.

We will carry out emergency repairs but will not be carrying out any new routine repairs or complete existing routine repairs already reported.

Emergency repairs are those repairs that have a serious impact on our residents or the potential to cause significant damage to your home. They include: 

  • Major flooding
  • Total loss of or major fault with electricity supply
  • Unsafe electricity fittings
  • Gas leak or loss of heating
  • Roof leaks resulting in serious internal flooding
  • Plumbing leaks that cannot be contained
  • Breaches of security to external doors or windows
  • Failure of a fire alarm system
  • Sole or only accessible WC not flushing

It is important that you tell us if you or anyone in your home has symptoms and/or is self-isolating.

Where households are self-isolating, our contractors will wear protective clothing and request that householders stay in separate areas of the home.

We may provide temporary solutions to some problems, such as delivering temporary heating appliances to a tenant’s home if they have no heating.

Safety Checks

We want to ensure your home environment remains as safe as possible. Therefore, we still plan on conducting essential safety checks, including gas and electric checks in your homes if they fall due in the next 3 months.

If we are unable to carry out a gas safety check we will provide you with a carbon monoxide detector, as an additional precaution until we complete the service.

We will also continue our program of safety inspections on mechanical installations, such as lifts and fire alarms.

Out of Hours Emergencies

To report an emergency repair outside of normal working hours, please phone 0800 435223.

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