Family Housing Wins Swansea Employability Academy Award

On Friday 14th June we attended an awards ceremony hosted by Swansea Employability Academy at Swansea University. Go Wales is part of the SEA and Family Housing work with them to give placements to students who may not have the opportunity for various reasons. This supports them with gaining employment in the future. Unbeknown to us, Family Housing was nominated for an award and won!

We were awarded the Outstanding Contribution to Employability Award, for all the work our colleagues do with students.

Having students is not always easy and can be time-consuming for those that work with them, but our colleagues embrace this and ensure that the students have meaningful and positive placements while with us. The feedback we have received from Go Wales is that we provide excellent learning opportunities for these students.

What Go Wales want to achieve by working alongside Family Housing and other organisations:

‘GO Wales: Achieve through Work Experience’ is the name given to this programme which is part-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Welsh Government and operates pan-Wales. It is designed to support the employability of young students on higher education courses in Wales and is aimed at young students who have faced barriers in accessing higher education or work experience and are most at risk of not securing employment, education or training when leaving their higher education course. It is funded from 1 April 2016 to 31 January 2022.

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