TPAS – Tenant Pulse Surveys

Today, TPAS Cymru has launched its 3rd Annual survey on Rent and Service Charges, collaborating with the Welsh Government. This is to hear the tenants’ voices in Wales on this important and impactful topic.

The Tenant Pulse surveys represent the whole tenant voice in Wales. Last year, the Cabinet Secretary (then Minister) for Housing herself heard and referenced the survey results when explaining her policies to the sector and during the Rent Announcement.

Welsh Government said: “The TPAS Cymru Tenant Pulse survey on tenants’ views of rent and service charges is now live. The survey results are essential in informing our work on developing a new social rent policy for Wales.

As a thank you to the tenants who enter, they can opt into a prize draw to win various amazing Welsh food prizes.

You can complete the survey here: The 3rd Annual Survey on Rent and Service Charges (