Optimised Retrofit Project Update

We have completed this year’s round of Optimised Retrofit Programme projects, which included two excellent projects delivered by LCB Group and funded by the Welsh Government with a match from Caredig. We installed approximately 1300 solar photovoltaic panels and battery storage, resulting in a substantial annual saving and a carbon reduction of 182,654Kg over the two sites!


Over the course of this project collaboration has been a huge factor and a key point to such a successful project, every department has had their role to play (housing, finance, extra care, assets, tenants) without frequent communication and collaboration between all teams the project wouldn’t have been such a success.

We are looking forward to seeing the great results from this year’s projects while also implementing the second round for the Optimised retrofit programme at our three other extra care schemes, where we hope to achieve the same extraordinary savings for more of our tenants while also reducing our carbon footprint.