Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

We are delighted to have published our new Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy and Delivery Plan for 2023 - 2026, developed in consultation with residents and partners, which clearly sets out our aims and commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Caredig.

To deliver our Vision of ‘together we proudly create great places to live and work’, and support our strategic aims, we have developed a plan which sets out the actions we will take to both deliver improvements and ensure we make the biggest difference where it matters the most…People, Homes & Communities.

We recognise the value in having a Diverse and Inclusive approach to our colleagues, residents, communities and stakeholders, we want Caredig to be a place where people are confident to freely express opinions and feel respected, heard, safe and accepted.

We will continually review our plan and commitments to ensure they meet the needs of our colleagues and customers and reflect any changes in the Equality and Diversity environment…..this is part of our ongoing journey.

You can read both publications below: